Make streamripper, although it lacks support for https, connect to shoutcast streams over https.
To make software connect to a TLS encrypted hypertext protocol connection that on its own has no means to talk TLS, I recently found out that socat is a great fit. In other words, it can unwrap the TLS layer and relay plain http.
${APP} https://${host}:${port}/some/resource.txt
doesn’t work, do this:
socat "TCP-LISTEN:${localport}" "OPENSSL:${host}:${port}" &
${APP} http://localhost:${localport}/some/resource.txt
I use streamripper 1 ever since i used the audio player that really whipped the llama’s ass 2. It was one of the first packages i ever contributed to Void Linux 3, it didn’t have a release in 13 years and it has no support for TLS/https whatsoever.
I recently configured some runit user-services on my VPS to rip some of my favorite radio streams 24/7 that i would sync to a thumb drive every now and then to listen to it in my car or on my phone 4. All stations offer shoutcast over https as well as plain http, which is fine for streamripper.
When i listened to ripped files the other day, with one particular stream i recognized an oddity: mp3 stream over https is sent in stereo, mp3 stream over plain http is sent in mono. Huh?
Simply switching the URL to https resulted in
$ streamripper -d /tmp/ --debug
shutting down
This is unacceptible and i started to poke. I inspected the source code, found many oddities with the repo, commit history, the code itself and the build system (all that deserves its own blog post) and finally decided that i’m not the one adding TLS support to streamripper (not this time at least).
After asking people more literated than me, i was hinted at socat and quickly found that others 5 wrote about this specific problem already, albeit in a slightly different use case.
So finally, the service file roughly look like this: It starts an instance of socat that connects the remote stream and relays the un-TLS’ed http to localhost, which streamripper then happily connects to.
defOpts="$defOpts -r 8000" # relay
defOpts="$defOpts -z" # don't scan ports
defOpts="$defOpts -o larger"
. ./conf
socat "TCP-LISTEN:${port}" "OPENSSL:${host}:${port}" &
streamripper "$url" $defOpts $opts
Mission accomplished.